To replace a specific value in a column using Sparkflows, you can utilize the “Impute Advanced” node, which allows you to configure value replacements or imputations.
To replace a specific value with a constant, you simply need to specify the value you want to replace in the column, along with the constant value you want to use for replacement. If the ‘Replace value’ field is left empty, it will impute null values in the column based on the selected imputation strategy.
Hey Chris,
To replace a specific value in a column using Sparkflows, you can utilize the “Impute Advanced” node, which allows you to configure value replacements or imputations.
To replace a specific value with a constant, you simply need to specify the value you want to replace in the column, along with the constant value you want to use for replacement. If the ‘Replace value’ field is left empty, it will impute null values in the column based on the selected imputation strategy.